Prince George Montessori Out of School Care is proud to announce that they are expanding. The program will have a dedicated classroom for Spring Break Program. The children will have the full use of the Heritage Hall at the Trinity United Church, downtown campus, for the duration of the Spring Break.
This year the children are going to learn about space travel, explore the Elon musk ship, and build their own space craft for travel all while asking the question “Why would we need to find a new planet?”. Building a Mars colony, making space slime, and designing their own planet are just some of the fun activities planned.
With the change of seasons, children will also take a break from space travel to analyze climate change and compare it to weather. They will learn about green house gases and their carbon footprint. Experimenting with temperature, making an edible gas model, and creating a comic book will help the children understand their own planet and the challenges we are facing better.
The Spring Break Program for school aged children is open for registration. This program is open to the public so register soon to ensure you child has a spot.
For more information and registration forms, contact Tyra at or 250-562-6560 ext 4.